Coconut Oil (Glass)
Regular price $6.50
Let’s just say it was like “the best kept secret”. Islanders have been using it for many generations, so many people did not even know about it unless you lived in the parts of the world where coconut is grown. Coconut oil is so versatile and not to mention reasonably priced. You will be amazed not only of how great it is for your internal health, but also how wonderful it is for your skin and hair. Here are just a few ways you can use Aiokii coconut oil
- Hair- Because the vitamins and fatty acids found in coconut oil nourishes the scalp and helps to remove build up. It also penetrates into your hair far deeper and faster than any other conditioner on the store shelves. You can even use it as a detangler especially if you have thick or curly hair. It controls dandruff as well. I like to add a little coconut oil in my hair dye to make the color more vibrant. Now if you have thin/medium grade hair coconut oil is great to help it grow stronger and thicker and even look healthier and shinier. However, if you have Afro/curly more dense type of hair, then I would add a small teaspoon of coconut oil to your existing hair regimen.
- Face- According to the expert’s, coconut oil is used in many natural beauty products. This is because of its natural antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is amazing as a make-up remover, no matter what type of makeup you wear. Especially stubborn eye makeup and waterproof mascaras. You can even use it as a deep cleanser as well. Which is the most pure and effective way to remove dirt at the same time it moisturizes your skin. All you do is massage a little bit of the coconut oil in your palm, let it melt and apply it on your face in a circular motion. Then wipe it off with a warm rag. You can also mix your coconut oil with other oils like castor oil or jojoba oil if you prefer. It is that easy.
- Skin- Coconut oil increases hydration and reduces water loss in very dry skin. If you have eczema or psoriasis then coconut oil can help with that. It will leave your skin feeling nourished and smooth. It is also great for dry hands and lips. There are so many other uses like for example:
- Cold sores- you can dab a little coconut oil on your cold sore, which helps with the healing time, pain and reduce scarring.
- Sunburn- Coconut oil has an SPF4, it doesn’t give you full protection for a whole day in the sun, but it will definitely help if you are someone who uses NO sunscreen at all. This will also help with premature aging due to sun damage.
- Insect repellent- Coconut oil is great if you want to avoid strong chemical repellent like DEET. You can use it as a base and then add on a few aromatic herbs. Since coconut oil will be your base, it will actually help prolong the repellent effect.
- Diaper rash- coconut oil is safe on babies and for people with sensitive skin and it is not related to tree-nut allergies. Coconut oil can help ease the pain, itch and redness from diaper rash. Just use about a tablespoon over the affected areas as necessary and that should get the job done.
How to use and care for your Coconut Oil:
Our product is recommended for EXTERNAL USE ONLY.
Coconut oil will form into a solid at 76 degrees and into a liquid above 76 degrees. Please be sure you store your coconut oil in a dry place like your cabinet or pantry. Keep your coconut oil out of extreme heat, and also use a clean spoon to scoop out the oil on each use. If you are using your fingers to dig into the jar, please be sure your fingers are clean and dry. To heat up your coconut oil take a pot and a little bit of hot water. Sit the container in the hot water for a few minutes and you now have a liquid form.